About Me

I started out as an "invisiblogger" and I am still trying to find my "voice" around blogging. Now I am ready to seek real connection in the online world, and hope you will find inspiration here.
A warm welcome to you! I truly appreciate your visit here.
It is a complicated thing to tell about one's self, to choose what is essential. I can tell you how I love anything that has to do with fiber. I love to sing, I want to paint, someday I will actually dance. I hula hoop and sew. I have four kids, all spread apart in age. I married a Rolfer and he is my second husband. I cook a lot, garden, eat as local-organic as possible, keep bees and will have a proper dye garden this year, I will. I teach handwork at The Waldorf School of Louisville. I am still a student of what Waldorf education and the Waldorf lifestyle is, and I don't want to stop learning. I am passionate but strive not to be dogmatic...everyone has their path. Anything I "show and tell" here is meant to be in the spirit of creative joy. I started this blog to explore themes of motherhood and creativity and where they intersect.
Thank you for stopping by!